Trickle Up Fashion Trends


Trickle Up Fashion Trends

Any discussion on fashion tips invariably brings out the discussion about trickle up fashion trends. These are basically small fashion changes that are brought about among a smaller section of the population, thereby gaining popularity and significance to a larger segment of the population. Tricky and complicated as it sounds, trickle up fashion trends are a reality and have been since the beginning. The concept was started amongst the working class of England, who desired to emulate the styles popular to their forefathers, but whose money did not allow them to buy brand names that were imported from abroad. Thus, they slowly started copying the trends, which they found in the magazines, newspapers, movies, and other sources.

The same fashion movements repeated across the world, with different brands and fashions, eventually reaching middle class and upper class followers. Slowly and steadily, trickle up fashion trends were adopted by other groups of people, who shared the same ideas and had similar tastes. Thus, jeans slowly and steadily trickled down to become an everyday casual wear, without much change, becoming a new trend, or at least a trend that was perceived as one. Moreover, even today, whenever you go to a shopping mall, to buy a new pair of jeans, you would be amazed to find how many new styles have come up just within the past few years! Even though this fact is news to most people, the effect it has on fashion designers is quite significant.

These new fashions and trends gain popularity amongst their target group and spread from there to other smaller groups of people, who also share the same views. Thus, the next big thing is that the popularity of these trends is not sustained, but rather, it fades away to some extent, only to appear again, perhaps a year later, or maybe even a few months later. Thus, when a new trend reappears in fashion following the original one, it creates a sensation, causing everyone to get into the mood for it, whether they like it or not. So if you want to stand out from the rest and create your own trend, you need to create something original and exciting. Otherwise, all the other trendy people out there will just copy your style, and you will end up with nothing more than copying clothes in your wardrobe.
